Cham Cham

Cham Cham – Alternate Colors
Samurai Shodown

  • Completed for: Anime Central 2001
  • Worn at: Anime Central 2001, GenCon 2001, Wizard World 2001, Anime Central 2002, Gen Con 2002

    This was a last minute costume made for me by my friend’s mother. Our group decided to all dress as alternate colors of Cham Cham when we saw how cute Mary was in her traditional colors. Sunny decided we would go barefoot which ended up to not be a good idea. The hotel was partially under construction and masquerade contestants had to stand outside in a wet tent. The carpet of the tent was soaked and we were freezing. Our skit was cute though. We came out wearing mixed up paws and then had to scramble around to get our colors right.

    Photo Credits: My Brother