Lickety Split
Lickety Split
My Little Pony
My friend Jamie (Pixie Kitty) invited other costumers to design costumes based on their favorite My Little Ponies from our childhood. I picked Lickety Split. I had the grown up version and Baby Lickety Split with eyes that shut when you put her to bed. She was also one of the main characters on the MLP movie with the dangerous SMOOZE! Dun dun dunnnnn….
I first made this pony costume for Katsucon 2009 but I wasn’t happy with the fit or the bodice of the dress. After it hiding in the closet for a year or two I wanted to give it another chance. I ripped it apart and made a few design changes. This costume is such a hoot to wear. I can’t stop giggling!
The ears are from Yaya’s cat ear collection.
Photo Credits: LJinto, Judy, & The_Wendy_Bird